Hey everyone!
Update: Next Sunday, I will be reviewing Finding Dory, the sequel to a classic underwater adventure, and Ratatouille, the movie that recently became a terrible musical starring stars from that one app we shall never speak of. Yeah, really. Why did they ruin such a classic film by making a "TiKtOk MuSiCaL?!" Is the music all sped up Happy Hamster nonsense? Or is it "Oh No" as the only track played 6 quaziheptogigadillion times? Is one of the stars that annoying female robot voice? I'd never see that garbage-infested dumpster fire, even if it were a speck-sized thing far away from my view.
Again, it's next Sunday! I know I've been delaying and delaying for so long, so that's why it's a DOUBLE FEATURE!
Thanks for your understanding.
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